Singing Guide: Disneyland Forever

Singing Guide: Disneyland Forever

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Disneyland Forever is a nighttime spectacular featuring high-definition projections, pyrotechnics, and special effects at Disneyland Park located in Anaheim, California. For any aspiring singer, performing classic Disney tunes is a perfect way to showcase their talents. One of the best to learn from is Lea Salonga, a famous singer and the voice behind many iconic Disney characters such as Princess Jasmine, Mulan, and the singing voice for the original Disney character, Fa Mulan.

Having a powerful and versatile voice, Lea Salonga’s performance style features a clear, ringing soprano with solid breath support and impeccable pitch. She is known for her ability to convey the emotions of her characters through her singing. For aspiring singers who want to learn from her unique vocal technique, several of her most notable songs have valuable lessons to learn.

One of the songs she is most well-known for is "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. This song features longer phrases and a considerable amount of variation in the melody and rhythm. To learn this famous duet, aspiring singers can make use of Singing Carrots' Pitch Training module. This resource provides interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility. It can be found here: As a beginner, it is important to start slow and master the individual steps before attempting to sing the song as a whole.

Another notable song to learn from Lea Salonga is "Reflection" from Mulan. The song requires expert control of vocal dynamics, which Lea executes perfectly, effectively conveying Mulan’s emotions. Singers looking to learn this technique can make use of Singing Carrots' Breath Support resource, which provides helpful tips and exercises to develop proper breathing:

Finally, another famous song that showcases Lea's unique vocal technique is "Sun and Moon" from the musical Miss Saigon. This song highlights her vocal control and how she masterfully uses head voice to transition to a falsetto and then back again. Singers looking to learn this technique can make use of Singing Carrots' Voice Registers resource, which explains the different voice registers and how to develop them:

In summary, aspiring singers can learn a lot from Lea Salonga's vocal technique. By using Singing Carrots' resources, singers can develop the skills needed to execute complex songs successfully. With practice, dedication, and a passion for singing, any aspiring singer can learn to sing like a Disney star.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.